
250x250 code update
AHPRA updates Code of conduct
5 Oct 2020
The latest version of Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia effective from 01 October 2020 aims to provide clearer instructions and better explanations to healthcare practi ...
AFPS partnership
Raising standards of care and decision making
6 Sep 2020
There is a global paucity of scientific data in relation to patient outcomes from appearance altering procedures. Validated clinical assessment and decision support tools are not available. This creat ...
Telehealth - Beware the risks
3 Sep 2020
COVID-19 has accelerated the need for telehealth services in the community and with its increased usage has exposed the risks associated with ‘distanced’ healthcare delivery. Despite the ease of acces ...
protect assets
Protecting your assets - personal and financial wellbeing
1 Sep 2020
In times of adversity and uncertainty the things that matter to us can be greatly directly or indirectly impacted. It is important as healthcare professionals you manage your wellbeing and obligations ...
melb uni study
42% of specialists report drop in income
1 Sep 2020
Concerns were raised if patients were getting quality and continuity of care without video consultations and it was noted that these telehealth consultations were more likely to be used in wealthier a ...
Informed consent - Your obligation, your patient's right
31 Aug 2020
Inadequate consent to clinical intervention has been regarded as the basis of a significant number of medical negligence claims. Are you meeting all requirements?
COVID-19 resources
30 Apr 2020
Links to MIPS' FAQS and other information about the Novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV) and COVID-19
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