Image-for-risk-ed-workshops.jpgRisk education survey

We're building on our risk education program and need your help

Thank you for your interest in helping us build on our risk education program. You may have already attended one of our workshops, participated in one of our webinars or online units. If not, we would still like to know about your preferences.

This is an anonymous survey. There are 15 questions in this survey and it will take less than three minutes to complete. Thanks for taking the time to assist us to further assist you.

Which category of membership best describes you?* - required
Which age bracket do you fit into?* - required
How long have you been a member?* - required

Are you aware MIPS provides free risk education resources as a benefit of membership?* - required
If aware, please outline which risk education resources you are aware of? (You can select more than one)
Did you know MIPS risk education has college accreditation and counts towards your CPD?* - required
Did you know you receive a Certificate of Attendance for each MIPS risk education activity which can be downloaded?* - required

When did you last complete a MIPS risk education activity?* - required
What's the most important reason you attended (or if you would have attended).* - required
What is the SECOND most important reason you attended (or if you would have attended).* - required

Through which organisations do you acquire most of your CPD?* - required
What are the risk education topics you are most interested in? (You may select more than one)* - required
What is your preferred mode of MIPS risk education delivery?* - required
What is the best time for you to attend a MIPS risk education workshop in person?* - required
Mandatory field(s) marked with *

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Articles Of Interest

  1. Contents MIPS Matters Autumn 2015