

MIPS continues to grow and innovate while maintaining its stability and quality of service to members


MIPS membership exceeds 50,000 members.


Over 1,200 members participate in a MIPS professional development activities. MIPS total assets exceed $500 million.


MIPS membership exceeds 40,000 members and $250 million in net assets.


Online webinars are introduced as part of the Spring 2013 Risk Education Program, offering members an alternative and convenient way to receive education and CPD at no additional cost.


The new MIPS members online area 'My Membership' is introduced and is very well received, with over one third of members accessing the new system. MIPS membership exceeds 30,000.


Membership reaches over 37,000 and net assets reach $150 million.


20 years providing assistance and protection to healthcare practitioners. West Australian office opens.


Queensland Doctors’ Mutual Limited (QDM) merges with MIPS on 31 August.


Government announces that it will bring all medical indemnity insurance under the Insurance Act and supervision by APRA. Introduction of Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003 on 1 July 2003. MIPS' commences providing indemnity insurance through a 'contract of insurance' to meet new standards and the discretionary cover is maintained as an added benefit under the name 'MIPS Protections'.


The collapse of United Medical Protection (UMP) in May, which at the time had 50% of Australian doctors professional indemnity with. Australian Government announced medical indemnity insurance legislation changes. For more information about the Medical Indemnity Act of 2002, visit the Federal Register of Legislation


Distress of major indemnity insurers in Australia, including the collapse of general insurer HIH (considered to be the largest corporate collapse in Australian history). MIPS remains stable.


MIPS separates from its UK parent with approximately 3,000 members.


MIPS is established to protect the interests of healthcare professionals and students in 1988 by the Medical Protection Society (MPS) UK. From 1988 to 1 July 2003 MIPS offered “non-insurance” discretionary indemnity.  Members could approach MIPS for assistance for any matter arising from their professional practice including Medical Indemnity matters.

Summary of recent history of medical indemnity in Australia

Indemnity insurance for doctors and dentists has typically been provided by Medical Defence Organisations (MDOs) such as MIPS.  Nowadays it is a very stable industry with a small number of providers.

In 2002 there were significant concerns about the capital adequacy of indemnity insurers and the Government announced a number of measures (see the History of Medical Indemnity in Australia on Wikipedia). Later, a major reform legislated which included the Medical Indemnity Act 2002 (Cwlth) which forms the back-bone of the industry now. When this bill was introduced, insurers moved from claims-incurred models similar to house and car insurance contracts, to claims-made insurance contracts, which include retro-active cover. This provides better protection for both the healthcare practitioners and the community.

Formation of MIPS

MIPS is a not-for-profit organisation and medical defence organisation formed to:

  • support and protect the character and interests of its members;
  • promote honourable and discourage irregular practice;
  • consider, originate, promote and support or oppose legislative or other measures affecting members

MIPS’ main role is to assist members in the event that there is an adverse outcome in the course of their professional practice. This assistance includes collegiate support and understanding, in addition to the management of complaints and claims against members.

Download a copy of the MIPS Constitution.

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Health professionals are involved in both governance and management of MIPS.  MIPS is proud of its personalised clinico-legal service to members from fellow health practitioners, as well as the array of additional benefits afforded to members.

MIPS is a member of the Insurance Council of Australia and you can find us on their Find an Insurer search function.

ABN 64 007 067 281
AFSL 301912

MIPS Insurance

In response to the significant changes in medical indemnity effective 1 July 2003, MIPS established MIPS Insurance Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary to ensure MIPS members had access to efficient and effective medical indemnity insurance.

Only MIPS members have access to insurance cover provided by MIPS Insurance.

MIPS Insurance is subject to the prudential supervision of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)

ABN 81 089 048 359
AFSL 247301