Event Details

Booking Information

Venue Sir Stamford at Circular Quay (Prince Albert Room)

93 Macquarie Street Sydney, NSW, Australia

Date 09 Nov 2019
Time 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Cost $0.00

CPR HLTAID001 (957775213) NSW

The St John Ambulance Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course gives you the skills to perform CPR on a person who is unconscious and not breathing normally. You will have confidence in your knowledge and skills to perform CPR on an adult, a child and an infant, and be able to describe alternative methods for delivering rescue breaths and how to manage a victim of drowning.

Assessment is through a combination of practical first aid activities and a written test paper. You will be required to demonstrate CPR on a mannequin on the floor.

The course meets the RACGP QI & CPD requirements.

The RACGP Standards recommends undertaking a refresher in CPR competence every 3 years.  This course meets the RACGP requirement for the 2017-19 triennium.  On completion of this St Johns' CPR course, RACGP members may be allocated 5 Cat 2 points.  Please provide MIPS with your RACGP QI & CPD number when registering.  Your CPR obligation will be processed as complete and points will be accredited with RACGP.  This ongoing professional development workshop is included in your MIPS membership.

In order for you to receive a Certificate of Attainment following the course you will need to provide St John with a Government allocated Unique Student Identifier (USI) . 
If you do not already have one you will need to obtain one for your course. 

"How do I get one?" 
Log in to the Department of Industry’s USI website at www.usi.gov.au. 
Enter the required information and the system will generate your unique USI. 
You will need to have your ID ready. 

Light refreshments for this session will be provided.
Lunch will be provided to all those who also register for the 'Protect your practise - Top 5 clinico-legal risks' event which will run from 10am-12pm on the same day at the same venue! Maximise your day by staying for both sessions.

CPD Accreditation
All course participants will receive a certificate of attendance following satisfactory completion which details course duration to assist in claiming continuing professional development.
Duration: 3.5 hours
College accreditation: RACGP - 5 Cat 2 Pts* (pending), ACRRM - 10 BLS, Dental - 3.5 hrs (*accreditation pending)

HURRY! These places fill fast so, don't miss out!

Date 09 Nov 2019
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Further Information MIPS Education

MIPS Education