Cosmetic services

Your membership must be endorsed in order to extend to cosmetic procedures. A cosmetic/aesthetic treatment or procedure is defined as a procedure which has as its primary purpose the alteration of the non-pathological external appearance of a patient. Any additional membership fee charged reflects the very high risk associated with cosmetic work. Actions are more readily defensible where a procedure is performed by a doctor who can demonstrate certified satisfactory completion (preferably by formal examination) of accredited postgraduate training.

Minor Cosmetics

Minor cosmetics extension is required if you undertake, prescribe or supervise specified minimally invasive office-based cosmetic procedures and the billings relating to those services do not exceed 50% of your annual total gross private billings.

Minor cosmetic procedures include:

  • botulinum toxin (Botox) injections
  • injections of non-permanent dermal fillers (including collagen, fat)
  • superficial chemical peels
  • superficial dermal resurfacing, including laser procedures.
  • All other cosmetic procedures should be referred for assessment.

Refer 'Cosmetic procedures' in the Category Guide section of the Member Handbook for further information .