Supporting students

MIPS is here to protect and support our members including medical and dental students in some of their most difficult career moments. Medicine and dentistry are specialist careers and require equally matched specialist support and protection even through your student years. When the circumstances call for action, we’re prepared.

Meet the team

Maz Wahabi and Jamie Lin are our Membership Development Officers and both have a keen interest in helping you succeed. If you have any queries regarding sponsorships or events at your university, please direct your enquiries to Maz for SA, Tas, Vic and WA and Jamie for NSW, QLD and ACT to

FB prfile pic

[NT, SA, TAS, VIC and WA]

Fun Fact: I can juggle 

What are your Hobbies: 
Health and wellbeing is very important to me so, in my spare time I like to stay active and play sports such as tennis, football (soccer) and also enjoy kickboxing. I like to read non-fiction, currently reading 'Eat Like the Animals' by David Raubenheimer. 

My go-to karaoke song: 
This is a tough one as I do enjoy listening to music so here are my top 3: 

  • Backstreet boys – As long as you love me
  • Jesse McCartney - Beautiful soul 
  • Outkast - Hey ya

What advice would you give your future self 10 years ago?: 
Life is not as straight forward as it is made out to be, don’t be so destination focused, but rather enjoy the journey as that’s where the growth occurs. Get out of your comfort zone regularly as this will help with confidence, learning new skills and will keep you on your toes. Regulate your social media use. Keep your health and wellbeing a top priority, spend quality time with your family and friends and be present in the moment when with them. Be wise with how you spend your money and when Uber Eats is launched in 2014, do not, I repeat, do not download the app!

Jamie Lin

[NSW, QLD and ACT]

Nickname: Jam

Fun fact:
I can be pretty funny sometimes, I call myself the entertainer amongst my friends. I can speak five languages and am fluent in three and polishing up on Korean by watching Kdramas.

Favourite song:
Interestingly growing up in New Zealand I actually listened to a lot of Taiwanese music. Favourite band would be Mayday, their lyrics are always so inspiring. 

What is your favourite Avenger? 
Dr Strange, through failure he still manages to pick himself up and carry on.

If you had one superpower, what would it be? 
Teleportation. To be able to be anywhere at any given time. That would really help me in my job somedays! 

Describe your role as a Membership Development Officer (MDO)
We get to meet and interact with medical and dental students across Australia and discuss how MIPS can assist with supporting and sponsoring major university events such as O-week, education programs and end of year activities. This also extends to junior doctors in hospitals providing education and support in hospitals.

What do you find to be rewarding in your work?
We are fortunate enough to be a part of the medical and dental journeys of all our members and these years will shape the people our students of today will become as doctors and dentists of tomorrow and that is very special.